What's Your Horoscope For Today?
Have you ever looked up your astrological sign, read your horoscope, and thought, “wow, that is exactly right”?
Time to check the horoscope of our furry friends and see just how accurate they are!
Aquarius: Born January 20 To February 18
Amanda's “Ozzy”
Aquarius dogs are unique. If there a movie starring Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (featuring Robin Williams as a golden retriever, or something) it would star a dog like Ozzy. He can do the math, it might seem a little weird, but they know what they want and they take it.
Pisces: Born February 19 To March 20
Brittany's “Chiquita”
When you look into the eyes of a Pisces like Chiquita, you see a dreamer that can feel many emotions. You may see a cute little dog, but don't be fooled – there is a wild side you don't even know about!
Aries: Born March 21 To April 19
Ally's “Winston”
Have you ever tried to stop an Aries? Why? Don't bother. They aren't getting tired before you. You say “no, don't take that stick in the house”. Winston laughs. Winston never loses.
Taurus: Born April 20 To May 20
Brittany's “Zeke”
Taurus dogs are cool. Taurus dogs live in the moment. They sniff the flowers (before eating them) and they do their downward doggy yoga on the front lawn (before digging it up). We can all learn a little from a chill dog like Zeke.
Gemini: Born May 21 To June 20
Katie's “Georgina”
If you need to figure something out, you talk to a Gemini. What's in the glass, Curious Georgina? Who stole the turkey off the table, Curious Georgina? Even if it wasn't her, she would be able to solve the case with a youthful energy which makes you forget that your supper is gone.
Cancer: Born June 21 To July 22
Tracy's “Oswald”
What'cha doin'? What'cha watchin'? Can I join? What's this key do? You never have to worry about being alone when you have a dog like Oswald. Don't leave them alone though – they get crabby.
Leo: Born July 23 To August 22
Amy's “Boba”
If you need a dog to run a country you look to a Leo like Boba. They are natural leaders. If you want to feel safe? You look to a Leo. They have your back. But, if you want a dog that is used to getting everything it wants, has an ego, and needs a pat on the back (or the tummy)... well, you know what to look for.
Virgo: Born August 23 To September 22
Manon's “Hector”
Virgo dogs have super high standards. They'll do what needs to get done to ensure the job is done right the first time. It's not that they don't trust you, but they organize their toys just a little bit better than you do... I bet Hector even styles his own hair.
Libra: Born September 23 To October 22
Jacqueline's “Bailey”
Libra dogs like Bailey have no trouble going to sleep at night because they know that did everything right during the day. They are fair and they are just. Libra dogs won't go #1 in the same neighbour's yard every day. They mix it up.
Scorpio: Born October 23 To November 21
Tom's “Millie”
Scorpios always know what is going on. They're on your side and they are always watching – because they never leave your side. Don't try to run. You cannot escape. They will find you. And they will watch you eat. Millie has a special set of skills...
Sagittarius: Born November 23 To December 21
James' “Coleambally”
Do you need advice? Honest advice? Sagittarius dogs will break the bad news if they need to. But don't worry. They can see the light at the end of the tunnel, they'll pat you on the head, and say you've been good, and it's going be OK. As the wise Coleambally once said, “Woof.”
Capricorn: Born December 22 To January 19
Randy's “Akiva”
Capricorns are not the dreamers out there. They put their wet noses to the grindstone and never give up. In some cases, maybe they should focus less on the work and focus more on chilling out? Calm down, Akiva. Calm down.