Tips For Walking Your Dog This Summer
Relaxing in the shade during a break in the walk. Frequent breaks are important!
Weather this long weekend may not have been ideal for walking your pooch, but today? WOOF. What a nice, hot day! On days like today, there are several things you should consider before you head out and about. Here are five quick tips for you and your dog as the temperature rises.
Don't forget the water! If your dog can wear a jacket that can carry some bottles of water, that's ideal. They'll feel like they're working and that can be a motivator. If not, make sure you are the one who carries it. Take many breaks and make sure your friend gets some water. (You, too, by the way. Heat illness affects both dogs and people.) Bring a collapsible water dish that you can pour into for convenience. Super helpful!
The sun sure shines brighter at certain times of the day. The high today was 25 degrees and if you were out at the time this was posted (mid-afternoon), it was pretty hot. Keep in mind that certain walkways are going to retain heat more easily and can burn their paws. If it’s too hot for you to walk barefoot, think of your pet’s unprotected paws. Stay on the grass if you can. On another note, early morning and in the evening are the safest times to go for an extended walk. We are going to have some VERY hot days in the not-too-distant future.
In case you have no choice but to head out when its hot, be very careful how much you work your furry friend. They may want to have too much fun and it's up to us to keep them safe. If they are panting excessively or drooling a lot, that's a sign of overheating. Pull out the water, head to the shade, and chill. Sitting in the shade on the cool grass can feel amazing. We highly recommend it!
Just like kids, you have to check your pups after being out and about. There are options your vet can offer that can protect them this summer. Especially if you're a fan of hiking in the woods!
I'm sure many of you have been on walks and have seen lots of garbage laying around. I wish people wouldn't discard sharps and things like that, but it happens. Be on the lookout for broken glass and things of that nature. Unfortunately, it's quite common this season so far.
There are five things to consider this summer as you are out and about. I could have said “six things”, and added “HAVE FUN” but I'm hoping you already know that one! Also, consider downloading the ResQwalk app so you can help raise money for the Portage Animal Welfare Society just by walking. Every step adds up. If you can help out, there are plenty of local dogs and cats that would appreciate it!
Thanks for reading! After this week, we will be taking a week off for the blogs and they will move to every second week for the summer. We hope you'll continue to read them and provide feedback as time goes on. Is there a topic you'd like us to cover? Let us know!